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Safety First!

Elmwood School has a number of buses providing transportation across all programs which contributes to heavier traffic volume both in the morning and at the end of the school day. We do not have an extensive amount of parent parking, and this makes our drop-off area in back of the school very congested.

For the safety of all of our children, it is critical that parents do not park in our staff parking lot and bus turn-around. This unsafe practice results in children and parents crossing in front of busses and other vehicles, increasing congestion in an already very busy, high traffic area.

Please keep in mind that children are in a supervised location at the back of the school which allows parent time to park on the front street, in the designated  parking at the east side of the school or in the community league parking lot on the west side of the building. While this may not be the most convenient for parents, it is the safest practice for all of our children.