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Parent Groups

Elmwood School Council (ESC) and Elmwood Parents’ Financial Association (EPFA) meet monthly to plan and discuss special events and to provide input into the learning opportunities being provided across Elmwood School. The Principal, school staff, and families work closely together to build community connections, enhance communication, and nurture positive learning opportunities for children across Elmwood School. Meeting dates are posted on SchoolZone and on our website. We hope to see you at our next meeting!


For all the news and updates, please visit www.supportingelmwoodschool.org often and follow our Facebook page www.facebook.com/elmwoodschoolcouncil. By joining our mailing list, we can notify you of important dates and events going on that effect all Elmwood families.


We always welcome families to become engaged and participate. There are many ways to get involved: by coming to meetings (mainly online), participating in different fundraising activities, volunteering, etc. Family involvement is vitally important to our school community, so please reach out if you have any questions.



Elmwood School Council (ESC): ESCChair@supportingelmwoodschool.org

Elmwood Parents’ Financial Association (EPFA): EPFAPresident@supportingelmwoodschool.org